Maggie Lynn Olson Coaching

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Comparison is the thief of joy and how to tame it.

We've all heard the age old saying, “comparison is the thief of joy.” But have you ever stopped to really let that thought sink in? It's something we tell our kids or friends when they're down, right? “don’t compare yourself to so-and-so…you know you’re just as good as they are! you know comparison is just the thief of joy!”

But - have you ever thought how comparison really does steal your joy and thunder? Even steals your focus and drive!

Have you ever thought about the things you tell yourself?? You know those sayings that are cliche and chic and all that. But really, at the end of the day we spend the most time with ourself. In our own mind. And as an entrepreneur that place can be bright and shiny or dark and gloomy and quite honestly can shift like the weather on a spring day in Wisconsin (heat in the AM and AC in the PM 🤣). You are in charge of those thoughts and how often you travel down the doom and gloom path. Now I’m not saying to NEVER go down that path because, let’s face it, life is NOT all butterflies and rainbows. And if people are telling you that it is…well, they might need a reality check. You’re going to encounter things in business that will make you furious, angry, sad and want to quit!! I know I certainly have had my fair share of those encounters. It’s at those forks in the road that you have a choice to make - do you keep your head held high & your thoughts on purpose or do you let that little thief named Comparison ruin what you’ve built? Maybe for a minute you have yourself a little pitty party because sometimes you have to let those feelings run through you in order to lift yourself back up.

Think about the last time you got super amped up about a project you were working on. How EXCITED you were to start. How driven you were in your research, in the build up, in creating this thing!! Like a kid on Christmas!!! Only to come so close to the finish line and just, stop.

Because you had a thought. Just for a fleeting moment. “What if someone else has already done this?! and…done it better?” or worse… “what if this doesn’t work?!?!?!”

You know what I'm talking about. The thought that makes you sit up a little straighter, clear your throat, slow down and pause (or maybe…not even start at all…). You stop what you're doing and each time you come back to your project you work a little less harder, have a bit less confidence and less steam to move you forward.  

Soon you're telling yourself, “maybe the world doesn't need this. So-and-so already does this and does it pretty well. who's going to want this that I'm making??” You’re talking yourself out of this amazing thing before it even comes to fruition!!!

And this, my friends, is where I want you to STOP, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, take a big deep breath in and remind yourself that YES the world needs what you're creating!!

It doesn't matter if someone has done it “better” because I can also promise you there's also someone who has done it “worse”. 

I tell my clients this all the time - you are in control of what is “better” or “worse” than something else. When you believe in what you're doing your people will show up! They will support you! They will want what you are dishing out!! And when you face this fear head on, you become unstoppable. 

Shift your thoughts from, “IDK if the world needs this.” to “Why WOULDN'T the world need this???" - that shift in perspective is powerful my friend. And yes, you are just the person to give the world what it needs! I am a firm believer in that if you can dream it, you can do it!


Imagine if the first light bulb hadn't been invented in 1835 and then Edison and his team hadn't continued research on carbon and platinum filaments. We'd still be doing things by candle light and you wouldn't likely be reading this email! Or maybe someone else would have come along and done the same exact thing…and there would be no Edison Lightbulb 🤯

I want to help you in that journey too! I’ve got openings for coaching clients and YOU are exactly at the right place to sign up for a FREE discovery session with me!


If you've got a project you're working on or need some help shifting your perspective/thoughts away from the negative - send me an email and let me know you'd like to book a FREE discovery session! 

Or click the button below and sign up for a session! 🥰

I can’t wait to chat with you! 😘 Make sure you sign up for my newsletter as well! I send out weekly emails with all sorts of goodies!
xo, Maggie

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