Maggie Lynn Olson Coaching

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Overcome Fear in Business

It’s 2am and you’re awake - AGAIN. You’ve just woken up from that all too familiar dream and the same thought running through your mind, “what if this isn’t going to work? What if I made a mistake becoming an entrepreneur!? Am I going to have enough money?!” You can feel the weight on your chest and the cold sweat running down the side of your temple. As you roll over to try and get comfortable you think, “maybe I should just get up and start doing some work…maybe that will help…I always have a laundry list of things to do anyway. I’m exhausted but I cannot find restful sleep.”

It doesn’t have to be like this! Trust me, I’ve had plenty of late nights, early mornings and all nighters in business. The worry and fear do not need to be something that keeps you up all night. 

When you stop letting the fear drive you in business, you open up a whole new level of opportunities! When you lean into that fear and learn where it’s coming from and why, you truly discover your golden ticket. 

And it’s easy to let yourself fall into the comparison trap, especially with the rise of social media. Falling into the comparison trap of social media can be crushing. You wind up looking at others who you admire and then immediately start thinking, “well, I’ll never be that good…am I really in the right place?!”

I truly believe that, yes, you are in the right place and that there is a place at the table for you to run your business successfully! 

How do I know? 

Because I’ve been in your shoes, I’ve done the comparison game. I’ve watched some of my peers soar to fame (and then been a little jealous that I wasn’t rising as “fast” as they did) and I’ve wondered how TF did they manage to do that??? Only to have my own level up in business. 

The biggest rise or successes in my businesses have been when I started leaning into my own fears. Testing my own limits, learning new things and really using my mindset as one of my most powerful tools. And the things my clients are doing 🤯🤯🤯🤯 so good. They are often reaching their goals faster because I’ve given them the tools that I learned through coaching. 

So…what are these tools??

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what you’re afraid of? When that fear sets in and it’s 2am and you’re wide awake praying to whatever God there is that something changes and you’re wondering whether or not this is going to work!?!?! And in the back of your mind you’re trying to manifest the sh*t out of MORE in your business but you’re not quite grasping the RIGHT thing and manifesting just “isn’t for you” or it just isn’t “working”.

Have you ever broken some of those thoughts down? Like really went thought by thought asking yourself how that thought makes you feel and what actions you’re taking because of it? 

Here’s where coaching comes in. 

A coach, like me, can help you break down, break through and rebuild some of those thoughts. Now that’s not to say those thoughts will never resurface. In fact, some of my terrorizing thoughts have been with me since I started my business. The difference? I now know that when I’m thinking those thoughts what I can do to help myself work through it - all because of coaching. 

The other day I was talking to a client of mine and she was spiraling down the rabbit hole of dismay - “I’M NEVER GOING TO MAKE ANOTHER DOLLAR!!!! HELLLLPPPPP!!!!!”

I asked her, “Is that really true?”

She replied, “well if no one buys anything then YES!!!” 

I said, “But what is the likelihood that no one ever purchases anything from you ever again?”

She got quiet for a few moments, mulling things over, and then finally said, “not very likely. In fact, I had a sale just this morning.”

From there we worked through her thought that she’s “never going to make another dollar.” And by the end of that conversation she had come up with some new ideas to market and network for her business. We also discussed ways that she can work through those intrusive thoughts of, “I’m never going to make another dollar” and turn those thoughts into, “I make more money every day, money comes in all ways and I am open to receiving it.”

Your thoughts are so powerful.

Something I have learned being coached and being a coach is that our thoughts are SO powerful. Thoughts can take over in an instant - the fight or flight sets in and before you know it, it’s 2am and you’re wondering if entrepreneurship is “actually for you”. 

How did I learn to be curious about these fearful thoughts? Practice and coaching. Most people don’t even realize they are in fight or flight until someone stops them mid run on sentence that’s loaded with fear. How do I help my clients through this stuff - the same way - they practice and they show up to get coached! 

How can you get started? 

If you’re having intrusive and fearful thoughts then it’s time to book a free 1:1 call with me! In this first call we’ll discuss where you’re at in your business (and life), where you want to be and what some logical next steps will be for you. 

I find that many entrepreneurs (myself included) often look 10-15 steps ahead. Making the goals too big and lofty. And while it’s great to have those goals, it’s also important to remember that you have to learn to lift your head before you can walk. You have to learn to roll over before you can walk as well. Baby steps, although small, are so so so important! 

If you’re interested in booking a free 1:1 discovery call - book that here

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