Maggie Lynn Olson Coaching

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How to kick Imposter syndrome to the curb.

The answer to this question is: Take aligned action. 

Welcome to the 4th post in this blog series! I am so excited that we’re here!! If you’ve been following along we’ve gone over how to unlock stagnant energy with the passion and core values exercise, how to step into action and how to plan to get from where you are now to where you want to be. If you didn’t get a chance to read those blogs and grab those freebies you can click the button —

Today we’re going to talk about Mind Clarity. You might be thinking, “what in the world does a clear mind have to do with any of this?!” Don’t worry I had that same thought the first few times I bumped into mindfulness in the business space as well. In fact it wasn’t until I started taking yoga classes and teaching yoga that I realized how powerful of a tool your mind and mindset can be. 

Today I’m going to introduce you to how I deal with imposter syndrome and intrusive thoughts. And trust me, everyone deals with imposter syndrome and intrusive thoughts - everyone from those that are just starting or growing their side hustle to those that are multi-million dollar entrepreneurs. You are not alone when you feel that little twinge of, “omg, what am I doing?! What if this is a mistake?! What if it doesn’t go right???? WHAT IF I FAIL??????”

First I want to deconstruct the thought, “what if it doesn’t go right?” because SO MANY of my clients tell me that they haven’t acted on the thing that they really want to do because they’re scared it’s not going to go right. 🤯🤯

Let’s think about this for a minute, what if Steve Jobs wouldn’t have acted on his idea for the Mac? What if way back in the stone age people wouldn’t have acted on obtaining food? What if ANY company hadn’t acted on any of the thoughts that helped them grow???? We wouldn’t have anything and it would be a sad world 🤣 So with that in mind I want you to think about that thing that you REALLY want to do and use the tools I gave you in the last 3 posts to write down how you’re going to accomplish that goal. Be it business related or life related - I believe in you!

And if you’re thinking right now, “yea but what if I fail?” or “yea but what if it doesn’t work?!” I’d love for you to write down answers to those questions. And then I want you to write down answers for “yea but what if it’s a success?” and “yea but what if it DOES work?” Give your brain some proof of both sides of the spectrum. When I’m in that place of, “what if I fail?” it usually comes down to “what if it doesn’t work the way I want it to work?!” I truly believe there is no failure…things just don’t go the way we planned. It’s our choice to assign it “failure”. Next write out all the ways that your dream CAN work. At the end of the day everything is a choice. Yes, getting out of bed is a choice, going to work is a choice and creating the life you desire is a choice. The success of your business comes down to you making choices. It comes down to you choosing to see even the TINIEST of things as a success. Success grows when you pile all the little things on top of one another.

For example, when I bought the yoga studio and started expanding the class schedule. There were SO MANY TIMES that either just one person came to class or no one at all. It got to a point where I was scrolling and reading everything I could in facebook groups and pinterest on how to get more clients to come into class and every thing I read came down to: take aligned action.

So what does that mean??

Doing all the things I’ve talked about in the previous posts are building you up to take aligned action. Aligned action is preparing all of the things you’ve just prepared over these last few weeks and then adding a bit of mindfulness and manifestation. 

Do I believe you can manifest things into reality…Yes.

Do I believe you have to put in the work…also Yes. 

When people talk about manifesting, what's the first thing that pops into your mind? Is it someone sitting cross legged on the floor meditating? That’s what comes to mind for me. And I thought that manifesting was total BS at first. But here’s where I went wrong - I assumed that I could just say these things and the magic would happen. And then the universe LOL-ed at me and said, “no that’s not how that works. Try again.” At the time I was just about to hire a business coach because I was desperate for a change of pace with the studio. I felt like a failure. I wanted to feel successful. One of the first things my coach had me do is write down thoughts on purpose - every single day. Three to five thoughts that are positive that are either true or coming (you want them to come) true. But always written as if they are already true.

I wrote down, “Clients come into the studio everyday. My yoga studio is thriving. I have all the tools I need at my fingertips.” for months and then one day I realized - it was true. Clients did come in everyday. And when I realized that thought was true, more clients started coming in. And soon enough everything that I wanted so desperately to be true, WAS true. 

I had manifested a full studio and thriving yoga business. 

What is the purpose of thoughts on purpose?! It’s a way to calm the brain and to step away from intrusive thoughts and imposter syndrome. I still deal with both intrusive thoughts and imposter syndrome, BUT I also know that I have this tool in my tool belt to combat and extinguish those before things get out of hand. 

If you join me on 3/29 at 1pm we’re going to dive into thoughts on purpose and how you can implement them into your daily routine!

((Can’t make it? Sign up and get the replay!))

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For today’s download you’re going to answer some of the questions I asked above and start writing your own thoughts on purpose! Daily thoughts on purpose is an amazing self coaching tool that you can use to help you in between coaching sessions. I still have a daily thoughts on purpose practice - it’s one of the ways I’ve built this coaching business so quickly. 

So yes, I 110% believe that you can manifest your dreams to reality. 


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See this content in the original post