Maggie Lynn Olson Coaching

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Mindful Method Business Coaching

If you're a creative entrepreneur you might not like having a "schedule". In fact, it might be the very reason that you never entered or left the corporate world.

I've lived in both the corporate world and the entrepreneur world. I've done both schedule and lack of schedule. And, I can whole heartedly tell you that a lack of schedule left me feeling frazzled, frantic and overwhelmed to the max. Even though it was one of the things that I dreamt of not having.

I was doing everything for everyone but myself and not getting a damn thing accomplished.

Then, in 2020 I created Mindful. A 21 day email series to help people step into a yoga practice. Something clicked and sparked me to keep coming back to mindful to create more - to dig deeper. Soon I had created the Mindful Method Business Coaching.

It was originally a way for me to accomplish all the things. Just ask anyone that knows me - I have a lot on my plate 90% of the time and somehow it all gets done.!?! who needs rest? 🤣🤣🤣 (SPOILER: it was me. I needed rest)

So I took myself from frazzled and frantic to level headed and accomplished.

By having a game plan for completing business tasks I was able to scale my coaching business in a matter a weeks. Going from 0 to 8 clients within the first three months of business! The Mindful Method Business Coaching helps you layout your goal, write down all of the tasks associated with it, then lay out when and how to complete those tasks to get you focused rather than frazzled. The mindful piece of this puzzle comes in with daily mind work. To some this might be overwhelming - thought work?!? MORE things to do?!?! But hear me out - I use 10-20 minutes each morning to do this work. I wake up, get the coffee brewing and in the time that the coffee percolates I write down any thoughts I have (good, bad or indifferent), accomplishments of mine, wants & desires, thoughts on purpose (aka mantras!) and what I’m looking forward to.

This process sets my day up for success! I truly believe that stepping into this mindful certainty has been a catalyst of the growth of my business. I’ve been able to do what I thought was impossible just a few months ago!

In the moment everything feels impossible and little like maybe it won't work. But with a little bit of belief and encouragement you can take any dream and see it through!

Do you need help seeing your dreams & goals through?? Let's connect and chat about how I can help you! 😘