Maggie Lynn Olson Coaching

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Scarcity in Business

We were walking down the sidewalk toward her school and Maeda said to me, “mommy….I’m scared.

It was the second day of school. And, if you’re a parent you know what a blow to the gut that statement feels like. Like someone took a dagger and twisted it in my heart. Ok, maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but it is not fun to see others hurting. 

I gave her little hand a squeeze and said, “it’s ok to be scared. What are you scared of?” Because I was also scared - scared she wasn’t going to like school, scared she wouldn’t make friends, scared that this is something new and new things can be scary, scared because now we’ll be entering the phase of more (more playdates, more friends, more school things) and so many other things. 

She took a deep breath and said, “I don’t remember anyone’s name.”

We stopped walking and I crouched down beside her and said, “it’s ok, mommy has a hard time remembering people’s names too. Do you think you could walk up to some of your new friends and say, ‘hi, I’m Maeda! What’s your name? Do you want to play?’”

I could see the wheels turning in her head and after a few seconds she said, “yes! Mommy, we have to walk faster!! I need to go play with my new friends!” with a huge smile on her face. 

I was relieved to say the least. I knew that if there were going to be tears coming out of her eyes, chances are there would be tears coming out of mine too. In that little exchange with Maeda I was so thankful that I was able to give her that advice and pep talk. 

After she walked into school and I turned to leave I had to give myself a little pep talk, “she’s going to be fine. She’s going to make friends. She’s going to remember their names” 🤣 Not that I’m really overly worried about any of those things but wanting the best for your kids, your clients, your friends, etc is something that I truly want. 

Shortly after I dropped her off I had a call with a client. 

“I’m scared. I’m scared I’m never going to make another dollar.”

It's funny to me how themes arise in life! Because I too had that same thought not all that long ago. 

And I said, “ok, tell me more. Where do you feel scared? Like where in your body?”

After a few moments my client said, “in my belly. Like butterflies in my belly.”

I said, “ok great - let’s explore that.”

We went through all of the feelings that were coming up and all the thoughts that followed those feelings. Things like lack of self worth, uncertainty and more. And with each thought and feeling we worked through current actions that my client was taking (things like not being productive and lack of motivation). After exploring that we discussed ways that my client could flip those thoughts and prove that those things were not actually going to happen.

So what does facing scarcity have to do with your business success?

We are often faced with all sorts of choices in our businesses - from things like what colors are part of branding to how much should products and services cost to what is the exit strategy. 

All of these things can bring up fear and uncertainty. And, even if you don’t feel scared all of the time, that fear and uncertainty that’s on the back burned can wreak havoc at the worst times. 

Like the middle of the night at 2am when you wake up in a cold sweat because you’re not sure how or where your next month’s rent payment will come from. And then your brain serves up things like, “maybe you should change your brand colors. Maybe that logo IS a little crooked on the door. Maybe adding more/less to your offerings was a bad choice, what if no one buys?!.” 

But here’s the best part - when you have a coach, you get to talk these things out. You get to work through all of those feelings and thoughts. Just like I did with my daughter. 

Why is it important to talk about this stuff? 

It’s important because leaving these questions to ruminate in your mind can do more damage than necessary. Don’t let these thoughts live rent free in your mind! Talking through these thoughts will help evict them and allow you to step out of scarcity in business.

Are you ready to step out of scarcity in your business? Are you ready to turn your intrusive thoughts into inspiring thoughts? Your next step is to schedule a FREE discovery coaching call with me!

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