Maggie Lynn Olson Coaching

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What is coaching REALLY like?

She asked me, “What was your reason for getting into business”

My answer, “To have time freedom and not be tied to corporate”

Then she said, “And what does time freedom and not being tied to corporate give you?”

My answer, “I don’t…know…” It was that question that literally blew my mind. I wasn’t sure, I hadn’t really ever given it much more thought other than I knew that I didn’t want to be tied to a job where my “stability” lived and died on whether or not someone else thought I was doing “good enough”. 

Over the course of that call we explored what it meant to me to be an entrepreneur and what it gave me. We explored in detail the freedom this life gives to me. We dug deeper in a way that gave me so much more clarity and drive over the days that followed that call. 

That single coaching call gave me so much clarity and space to open my mind to so many possibilities.

It’s not lost on me that being an entrepreneur is hard work. But it’s also not lost on me that working in a corporate situation isn’t as “stable” as everyone claims it to be. Yes it’s a paycheck every two weeks and benefits. But I can promise you, in corporate, everyone is replaceable. EVERYONE. Something else that people don’t tell you (and maybe they don’t know) is that when you work for yourself you could get paid whenever (AND as much as) you want - hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. There are also plenty of places to sign up for benefits - health, retirement, etc. 

It’s all there and all very accessible. It’s almost crazy how accessible it is. So when people make the argument, “I could never work for myself - there’s no money in it and it’s so hard to get the same benefits and stability as a corporate job.” I’d argue that and say you just have to do a simple google search to find most of those answers. 

Another argument that people make, “oh but benefits are SO expensive.” Really it’s all relative. You pay a certain amount every paycheck when you work in corporate and I’d bet if you added up how much you pay, it’s probably pretty similar to what you pay not being in corporate. 😬😬😬😬😬 How do I know?! Because I’ve done it.

I also want to say, I totally understand that the entrepreneur life is NOT for everyone. And that is one of the reasons why we have jobs. 😘😉

On that same call where we explored what my reasons were for getting into business, we also explored things that were holding me back. Thoughts that were inadvertently turning into actions.

And exploring those thoughts that turn into actions is really where the magic of coaching comes in. Being able to understand some of those thoughts and actions is key to stepping through the chaos and into clarity. Yes…I just spilled the magic beans 🤣 

If it’s as easy as exploring those actions and thoughts…then why even hire a coach??? 

This is really subject to each person’s own preferences. But I can 100% confirm that I would have never been able to navigate some of those intrusive thoughts and imposter syndrome alone. 

Why? Because when you’re in the mess, that’s all you see. When you have someone else that comes to sit with you, they can help you understand where to start cleaning. They can help you work through each area that needs rearranging. 

When you’re stuck in your shit you can’t see your way out. It’s a literal spiral that keeps going deeper and deeper. Having a coach is like having someone reach their hand out for you to grab to help you back up. 

Will things change overnight?!

Maybe. Maybe not. Things might change and be great and then you fall off the bandwagon. Then you get to talk to your coach, they help you right back up and give you the space to explore what’s going on. When you explore what’s going on and why the wheels fell off right away, chances are the next time will be a bit easier and you’ll stick with it a bit longer and a bit longer. 

Changing your thought patterns is really like riding a bike or walking. No one gets it “right” the first time. But as you explore you learn what works and doesn’t work. 

While you learn what works and what doesn’t work your life and, ultimately, your business begins to change. They will both morph into an amazing array of beauty. Life is not pain free and free from all the cobwebs. When you explore those cobwebs you get rid of the idea that life is painless and you can open up to so many more possibilities. And truly the possibilities are endless! 

I’ve watched my clients do so many amazing things from building businesses, pivoting and leveling up in their business, rekindling relationships in their lives and working through intrusive thoughts that have kept them stationary for far too long. 

If you’re ready to see what coaching is like and if it’s for you, book a free discovery call! 

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