Maggie Lynn Olson Coaching

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Planning Clarity

“My goals are too scary, I need to tame them down a bit.” 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in nearly 15 years of being an entrepreneur it’s this: DON’T SCALE BACK YOUR DREAMS. Dream big. Manifest those huge scary ass dreams into reality. Visualize yourself doing the things and then go out and do it! If you don’t, you’re going to see everyone else doing all the things you wanted to do and then that leaves you angry and frustrated because you didn’t go chase those dreams. 

Something that many of my coaching clients want help with is planning out those big dreams and laying out the groundwork for accomplishing those big dreams. Which helps diffuse the thought that those dreams are “too scary” or “too big”.

There is no such thing as a dream that’s too big. 

Last week I gave you the braindump activity in Action Clarity and had you assess your business to-do’s (ie what’s important, necessary and fun). Click the button below to read all of the chaos to clarity blog posts!

This week we’re going to go through the big goal planner and monthly breakouts that I walk through with my clients! This exercise is so fun! It’s a place for you to dream big and lay out plans in a way that you can accomplish said goals. If you’re anything like me, chances are you’ve GOT big goals. But the follow through…is just…not there. There’s SO many life things that can get in the way that will deter you from accomplishing those goals. Using this method to help plan my yearly goals and keep myself on track for meeting my goals has been so life changing. It’s also given me so much freedom! I am getting things done in my business, maximizing my work time AND getting to be present with my family. 

It’s one thing to plan goals and it’s another to follow through. The follow through is often where we often fall short. And I’ve been there! I get it - you plan and plan for all these grand things but then they all fall short. Usually because you run out of time or no one is there to keep you IN line to accomplish goals. Now, I know as a business owner having plans can sometimes feel limiting or constricting. You may have left the corporate world because you were forced into a box right? That was one of the reasons I left the corporate world. I got sick of feeling boxed into other people’s timelines. But almost as soon as I left corporate the ONE thing that I craved was structure. Now that structure was up to me to create. For a while I operated well without much structure. The cost for that? Working 80+ hour weeks. Which led to burnout and exhaustion. 

As I realized that I needed some sort of structure in place I looked EVERYWHERE. Literally. I downloaded all the freebies, talked to other business owners, paid for different training and scoured books, web pages and everything I could get my hands on to give me what I craved. It wasn’t until I invested in coaching that it dawned on me that I’d be searching forever unless I just created my own. 

It’s funny to me that something I was so hell bent on never doing (coaching) was what gave me the freedom to level up in a way that I only dreamt of. 

If you’re like me and you love a good freebie - here’s this week’s freebie! 

So what is this amazing-ness that I created? It goes hand in hand with the first two freebies and is something that comes in the masterbook that I give to all of my coaching clients. It’s part of the workbook that gives you the opportunity to dream as well as plan AND help keep yourself accountable. It’s the trifecta that I’ve been perfecting. 

In the essence of clarity I find it’s helpful to have a loose outline definition of what you want to do. It’s handy to have the option to be super detailed with this outline (as in down to the day) but also leave room to be creative.. Today’s hand out gives you the broad overview and the monthly details. I’m so excited for you to get your hands on this freebie! 

When you download this you’re going to go back to last week’s brain dump and put ONE of those business ideas or to-do’s into today’s handout. Now, I know you might be saying, “HOW DO I CHOOSE JUST ONE???? I’VE GOT A MILLION!!!!” To that I say, you have to start somewhere. Choose something and move forward with it. You have the choice to stay exactly where you are or you have the choice to level up. Staying in the space of indecision is just as much a choice as making the decision to move on. And at the end of the day everything really goes hand in hand. Start the motion to get the ball rolling and you’ll soon find that you have the ability to accomplish SO much!

When you get your first project written down it’s time to set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write down every task you can think of that is associated with that goal. Everything you’ll need to do in order to accomplish that goal. 

For example, if you’re working on your website - you’re going to put down things like:

  • Get domain name

  • Figure out which platform to host it on

  • Get a layout

  • Figure out how many pages there will be 

  • Will there be a blog?

  • Choose brand colors

  • Take photos

And so on. Include everything you can think of - even those little minute details that might be seemingly innocuous.

Here’s another example; a snippet of Planning Chaos to Clarity (yes, this very course!)

  • What do I want to offer?

    • Topics - productivity, accountability, mindfulness

  • When do I want to offer it?

    • Q1? Q2? Q3? Q4?

    • One week? Weekly? 

  • Private group?

    • If so, create group

  • Blog it? 

    • If so write blogs

  • How will I let people know this is available?

    • Social media

      • Instagram

        • Posts & lives?

      • Facebook

      • Pinterest?

    • Newsletter 

      • Weekly?

  • Write chaos to clarity content 

    • How many days/weeks?

    • One big meeting

I’d had this idea of chaos to clarity floating around in my brain space for almost a year before I took action on it. Why? Because until I sat down and wrote out a plan I didn’t know where to begin. Everything seemed to be connected to the next and breaking into that circle was like jumping into the ropes when you’re playing double dutch. I just needed to jump in. 

This guide was how I jumped in, took action and followed through. 

So - you’re choosing ONE THING to focus on. Get all of the steps out on paper that will COMPLETE this ONE THING. Next you’re going to choose 3-4 goals from this list - choose the most important ones. If you’re planning a website those top goals might be: obtain your domain, complete and publish the website and tell everyone about your new site! For Chaos to Clarity mine were: write content, publish content and talk about content. 

When you have those big goals down you can start plugging in all of the smaller things that go with those goals. Anything related to writing content for chaos to clarity went under that first block. The actions under your goals are the milestones. When you complete those milestones come back to this sheet and put the date in that they were completed. Anyone that signs up for coaching with me gets an extra add-on to this to break things down into a daily task list. What I’ve done is made it really easy to accomplish things on the daily and then that snowballs to the weekly! 
Even though Chaos to Clarity was spinning around in my head for almost a year I took it from idea to fruition in about 2 months. The action clarity and planning clarity guides are what helped me do that. I keep these guides handy because I have ideas ALL THE TIME. Sometimes I need to play out an idea to see if it’s something that I want to take to fruition. Especially if it’s something that keeps coming back into my idea-sphere. In fact I have an entire notebook called the “Idea Parking Lot” where I put all of my ideas. This is something that I dive into with my clients when we do 1-on-1 coaching. 

When you invest in coaching with me we dive into this workbook in more detail and get into daily actions that you can take to complete these milestones and goals. Plus you get the accountability on weekly phone calls with me.

Ready to see what coaching is all about?! book a discovery coaching call and we’ll chat about all of your business goals and dreams! Let’s make them a reality! CLICK HERE!

Don’t forget - on March 29, 2022 at 1pm CST I’m offering a FREE zoom call where we’ll be marrying these last few blog posts together and give you an opportunity to see what coaching is all about! Make sure to sign up today! Can’t make the live zoom?? I’ll be sending out a replay of the call as well! If you’re on LIVE you’ll have the chance to ask me questions and get direct feedback! Sign up TODAY!

See this content in the original post

Need a refresh on the last 2 weeks? Click here for week 1 and here for week 2!