Attention Coaches, Speakers and Course Creators:

Stop downloading all the free things hoping that they’ll work.

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve got a laundry list of things to do - business, house, kids, you name it - it’s on there. And it seems that every time you make some sort of headway, there’s another five things that gets added to this list. Which means, yet again, you’re not getting what you really want accomplished - building your business.

You’re doing all these things but never really accomplishing anything significant. It’s like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping to see that one noodle stick so you know its done…or in this case, that one noodle sticking is that one thing FINALLY working.

It’s overwhelming and frustrating and you’re wondering how all these other people are some how managing to do all the things AND have free time…

Imagine how it would feel to know without a doubt that you can complete your tasks, take aligned action in your business, connect with your ideal clients AND increase your ROI?

The satisfaction of your defined success and the delight of increased business.

Take a moment and imagine - how will your business be different if you could expand your business and increase your profits?

Introducing the Mindful Method Business Coaching, it’s where strategy, coaching and mindset meet!

Take your business from overwhelmed, frustrated and chaotic to abundant, aligned and profitable!

I’m Maggie, a business coach for Multi-Passionate and Creative Entrepreneurs and I care about helping you shift out of the chaos of business and life and into the clarity of aligned and profitable business (and life!)!

I’ve owned businesses for 15 years, so coaching with me always involves some sort of strategy as well as lots of listening.

So, what makes coaching with me different?

I’ve got 15 years of business experience as well as 15 years of contacts in all sorts of industries. PLUS I know how to ask questions in a way that allows you to expand your mindset.

Coaching Investment

Make sure to ask about Pocket Coaching AND Strategy and Mindset Calls!

Group Coaching and 1:1 Coaching available

+ 1 FREE 45 min Discovery Session
+ 3 months of coaching (12 weekly calls)
+ Text (Voxer, WhatsApp, text) access to me for the duration (text/voice)
+ Shared doc to track action items, goals, wins & homework
+ Sustainable & successful business plan
+ Accountability tools & mind mapping
+ 90 day action plan
+ recordings of sessions

ALL coaching clients receive:

+ Access to my signature Mindful Method business planner

+ More ROI - When you use a bit of $$ to make a bunch of $$, what’s the payoff? Investing in yourself can double your investment when you put in the work!

+ Better work/life balance - have more free time to spend with family, overall feeling of wellness/health, clear mind, better thought process, better rest/sleep, more energy

+ Increased client relationships & retention - (easier to to talk to or reach ideal client, have a better relationship with current clients — more retention)

+ So much more!