Maggie Lynn Olson Coaching

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What will coaching do for ME?

What will coaching do for me?!

I asked this question a lot when I started talking with my business coach.
I wanted to know what every business owner wants - to know that spending money would grow my business.
I wanted to know that I wasn’t just throwing money away to talk on the phone with someone.
I also NEEDED to know this would work. Like, need need. I felt like I was on my last leg when I started business coaching. I felt like I was drowning in questions of “what if?!” and “I don’t know what to do”. It’s a scary place to be in. One I’m sure many entrepreneurs have, have had and will continue to have.

But, I’m here to let you in on a secret - coaching SAVED my business. 🥳🤯 Coaching helped me see things I was overlooking (often simple shifts to make!) and get back to a mindset that allowed me to open so many more doors. Not to mention how much LIGHTER and HAPPIER I felt.

If you didn’t know, I owned and operated a yoga studio for many years as well as a photography business. I still run both of these businesses along side this coaching business. Why did I step into the coaching world? I found myself offering friends and family help after I began to utilize coaching for myself. I soon realized that my ideal clients were likely coaching clients because I would be able to deep dive with just a few people and have a maximum effect - i.e. the 3-5 people I was helping would actually be helping exponentially more people than I could reach by teaching yoga or taking photos. NOTE: I still love teaching yoga & taking photos, and in no way would I give up what I grew with those businesses or the lessons I learned from those businesses. But I also knew that something needed to shift for me and I needed to shift in a way that allowed me time to rest. Inundating my schedule with photo sessions and yoga classes was not paying my bills in a way that allowed me to slow down.

I allowed myself the space to create a change that filled my cup!
I want to help you do the SAME THING. Don’t let fear hold you back from your highest potential!
Taking actionable steps to change can open up a whole new world for you and your business.

Recently, one of my clients said to me, “Investing money into my business gave me permission to be serious about making it work!”

What a powerful statement!

Ok, but what do you get when you sign up for coaching?? Click here to head over to the Coaching Page and read all about it!

xo, Maggie

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