Manage your overwhelm, consistently.

Your business requires you to manage overwhelm - consistently.

Are you unorganized and overwhelmed in your business?

Maybe your creativity is out the window.

You can’t focus on anything for more than a few minutes and when you sit down to work on one thing you’re constantly thinking of what else you have to do.

And the universe is def not providing like Sally-down-the-road claims it is for her. 🙄

Then you think, maybe the universe is broken and this “entrepreneur life” isn’t for me. EVERYTHING IS SO OVERWHELMING AND HARD. Friend, it does not have to be that way.

Your business requires you to manage overwhelm - consistently.

I’ve been there - overwhelmed and stressed to the max and wondering when the breaking point will come. And I still go there, just not as often or as hard. I’ve learned tools to help me refocus when I get into a state of overwhelm. I used to be in chronic overwhelm, a chronic state of worry and dismay and always wondering “what’s next?!”…and not in a fun, “what’s next?!” - in a “omg-wtf-how can I handle the next thing???” sort of way. Over the last five years I’ve been gathering tools to help me navigate those feelings. Overwhelm will always be there but when you have tools to use you’ll be able to navigate it so much easier AND you’ll be able to learn from the things that bring up those feelings. 

Managing your level of overwhelm is no joke. Especially when you’re in a chronic state of overwhelm. You’re living in this low vibration buzz of agony and spinning in circles. Getting out of overwhelm seems like an impossible task. 

I’m here to tell you it's not impossible AND that I have a solution to help you 🥰

The law of polarity states that everything has an opposite - a yin and yang. If you think about that in relation to the questions that you have (or to your overwhelm), that means that there is always an answer in the same space at the same time as your current question. 

So while I do believe that overwhelm is the abundance you asked or prayed for I also believe that overwhelm is meant to help slow you down from going a million miles an hour in every direction possible (and not getting anything done). Learning the right questions to ask yourself when you feel the bubbles of overwhelm are crucial. 

I’ve recently been reading more about human design. I looked up my human design and found out that I am a Manifesting Generator. One of the qualities of a Manifesting Generator is that I have the ability to go in a bunch of different directions at the same time and not feel overwhelmed by it. For a long time I thought I was broken because I would bop from thing to thing without feeling overwhelmed. So when people would ask me how I was “doing it all” and that I “should probably take a break” I would get overwhelmed thinking “oh, maybe I’m doing too much?!”

I was overwhelmed because I WASN’T overwhelmed and others thought I should be 🤣

But don’t let this fool you into thinking I’m never overwhelmed. Because that is false 🤣. Yes I’m a manifesting generator and I can take on a lot. But I also LOVE to have a plan for how all those puzzle pieces fit together and often I take on so much that I get overwhelmed when things don’t go as planned. 😬

I’m learning to not plan every minute of every day so that I can have more creative space to grow, connect and rest. 

I’ve discovered that there’s two types of overwhelm - sudden and constant. Sudden is in the moment (something happens and I HAVE to do something about it RIGHT NOW). Constant is when you’re on the defense, always. Always “busy” and always thinking five steps ahead of yourself. You’re always nervous and on edge waiting for “the other shoe to drop”. You’re allowing overwhelm to be the driver of your nervous system

For a long time I was in a constant state of overwhelm. Doing all the things and trying to be the best at everything all the time. It’s an exhausting state to be in. It’s a straight road, open highway, 80 mph speed limit to burn out. When I realized I was very close to burning completely out I knew I needed to make a change. It was around that time when I hired my first coach. She helped me so much. She showed me that I have the ability to control my overwhelm. And now I have shifted a constant state of overwhelm to sudden bursts of manageable overwhelm. I’ve raised my vibration from that low scared energy to a higher vibration of trust. I learned how to put both chronic and sudden overwhelm in its place. 

HOW did I switch? Mindset work. 

It’s a decision to stay clouded in overwhelm. I said what I said. 🤣

It’s also a decision to stop, find the leak, fix it and move on - aka realign yourself.

Yes I truly believe that it is your choice to stay in that constant state of overwhelm.

And yes I truly believe that you can navigate yourself out of constant overwhelm.

How do I know? I’m living proof that it can be done. 

First, don’t leave your overwhelm unattended. It’s like leaving a toddler in a room with markers. When you allow the overwhelm to rule nothing gets done, there’s a million browsers open in your mind and there’s probably a toddler’s permanent marker art on the wall. 

Now, I’ve also told you, “overwhelm is the abundance you prayed for”, and this is true with respect to sudden overwhelm. 

Sudden overwhelm is there to help you pump the brakes and get your attention. For example, if you’re having inconsistent sales, where have you allowed overwhelm to drive your actions and decisions?

If we were on a coaching call and you told me that you’re overwhelmed because your sales are inconsistent these are the questions I would ask you (one at a time) and explore some of the following questions: 

What is one thing that you could do to improve sales (not a laundry list, just ONE thing)? 

Do you think you are you going too quickly? 

What could slowing down do? Other than create discomfort because things are going as “fast” as you want? 

What do you think you need to see that you’re not seeing? 

Overwhelm is your cue to stop and evaluate what’s going on in your business (and even your life).

During every call I take notes so that I can help you figure out how to take your current state (whatever that may be! overwhelm is one of many examples), face it, ask questions about it (that will help you get curious and create clarity on decisions!) and give you tools to work with and manage what you’re walking through.

So what is YOUR next step? Book a discovery call! We’ll walk through all of the “wobbly” places and design a plan that’s just for you!

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Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!

How to Create Business Core Values


How a canceled photo session gave me abundance