Work Smarter, Not Harder

hand statue with pinky and thumb finger up, text reading 'work smarter not harder' - Maggie Lynn Creative Coaching

Have you been wondering when the “right” time to consider coaching is? Maybe you’ve been seeing other entrepreneurs you know hiring coaches and making these huge strides forward. Or you’ve been seeing coaches come across your for you page (or even sneaking into your DM’s) and you’re wondering if it’s really WORTH it?! Can you ACTUALLY work smarter not harder like some of those coaches say?!?!?!?!

Similar to getting married, having kids, moving, changing jobs, etc - there is never a precise moment when you can say, “Yep. This is it. Now is the right time.” If it were that easy - we’d ALL be hiring coaches at the best possible moment, having the best possible outcomes and we’d all be gazillion-aires doing exactly the things that we love to do. 

If there’s never a right time, then why bother??

First of all, I’m going to invite you to the glass half full side of things. 😉 I am forever an optimist, so please I’m going to let you borrow some of my optimism for a bit 🥰 If you don’t know when the right time is, then why don’t you give it a try now??? Let’s not forget that I was a HUGE skeptic of coaching, until I made the choice that maybe it could be for me. That maybe it would work if I just tried it and showed up to each call with an intention to learn one new thing during each call. There will always be some sort of chaos that will hold you back. A coach will help you work through the muck and figure out how to best build your bridge over it. Will there be work involved, you betcha! But when you show up and put in the work - it pays SO MUCH. There is a pot of gold and it is waiting for you. The universe always provides for you - in both a positive and negative way. When you tell everyone that you’re “so busy”, the universe hears that, your brain takes that thought in and when you wonder why no one is showing up to buy from you, the answer is right in front of you. You’ve been telling yourself (and everyone else) that you’re busy, leaving no time for anything else. It’s ok to leave the busy badge and it’s ok to have open space in your calendar. 

✨Imagine this ✨

Imagine for a second that you’re having a bad day because you got up and stubbed your toe. Do you let that stubbed toe ruin your day and keep you crabby all day? Do you blame everything that goes wrong for the rest of the day on the fact that you “got up on the wrong side of the bed and stubbed your toe” and tell everyone that will listen that you need to just go back to bed and start over? OR do you allow yourself to have a moment of “OUCH!!”, move on from your stubbed toe and not let it bring your day down? 

Me 10 years ago, would have 10/10 been the first scenario. Me now, will choose the second option again and again. Why? Because I’m not going to let one little thing bring me down. How did I make that switch?! Coaching is what helped me make that shift from blaming to moving forward. 

So, my friend, if ever there was a time to think about hiring a coach it’s right now. Yes, in the midst of all the chaos in the world. And I don’t just say this because I am a coach. Even though I am a coach, I HAVE a coach to help me navigate my own thoughts and the actions that come with those thoughts.


A coach will help you navigate all these feelings, thoughts and scarcity that is showing up front and center. And you know those thoughts show up at the very worst of times. Like when you’re trying to fall asleep, when you’re trying to work or when you’re trying to relax and not work. Coaching will help you understand how to guide your mind out of that and onto something productive. 

Even when people are talking about the state of the economy and how dreadful it is. Guess what - now is the best time to turn inward, update your processes, get solid systems and strategies in place and understand what parts of your business are really important and what other parts might not be. The best businesses work on themselves when the outside world isn’t all that shiny and nice. Coaching will help you prepare for what’s next - for what you WANT to be next. 

Everything in life is a choice. 

You have the power to choose new choices. If you are always making the same or similar choices - even if you’re always saying the same things about yourself - and you think you’re always being handed a crap sandwich…well, why don’t you try something different. 

When you start choosing different paths you are creating new grooves in your brain. Just like learning to walk - most people don’t go from immobile infant to mobile toddler without some sort of learning curve. Chances are you’ll fall and chances are you’ll get back up again. This is your chance to get back up - and get back up as many times as you need to. This doesn’t mean positive thinking 100% of the time and that fake happy BS. Not that at all. 

When you’re thinking about the future, decide RIGHT NOW what you want it to look and feel like

If you want to have lavish things, imagine that stuff and imagine it IN DETAIL. If you want to have debts paid off, imagine the feeling of having financial freedom. If you want a nice car, imagine what that will feel like to drive that car. If you want a successful business, what does that look like? What is YOUR definition of success? What measures your ability to succeed? How will you feel when you achieve success? And, most importantly, how can you start living in that energy of success RIGHT NOW? Imagine all that stuff in detail. And then start living that. 

Now when your brain starts serving up thoughts of, “are you sure?!” or “yea right” or even “that’s not possible”. Ask yourself WHY? Why isn’t it possible? Why aren’t you sure? In what ways COULD it be possible? Be honest with yourself and answer those questions. It’s ok to have doubts and fears. 

They show up for me too. Sometimes daily. A lot of those feelings are leftovers from years ago when a few people told me that I was making a mistake leaving corporate and choosing to be an entrepreneur. 

You don’t have to keep the thoughts that others give to you. 

Coaching isn’t getting rid of or stirring up the past. Coaching is helping you create a new better path for the future. And you are in control of when you start that path. You get to create new grooves in your brain by learning fun new things you didn’t know existed in your business. And I AM SO DANG EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! 🥳🥳🥳

I’m standing up to help YOU! When the times are tough and sticky I’m here to help you walk through that. 

If you’re interested in booking a free 1:1 discovery call, click the button!

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Hello, World!

Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!

How to Maintain Consistency in Business


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