You don't have to stay overwhelmed, friend. Clarity, peace and joy are yours to have. You are worthy.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night in a dead panic because you know you forgot to change the laundry AGAIN and it’s STILL sitting in the washer? 

And then you remember that you were going to write that blog post, share on social media, connect with some potential clients, email those people that had questions about some things that your business sells but the baby was crying and needed to be fed and then your 4 year old also needed to be rocked and read to - so you did that instead but now you’re feeling guilty about not doing the business stuff because your business is your baby too and it’s kind of been neglected since your babies came into the world?! 

You too?! 😬

Mama you're not alone. 

Being an entrepreneur is hard. Being a mom is hard.

But, don’t let all of that get you down (and keep you down) 😘 

A few years ago when I hired a coach I was at my wits end - the overwhelm was at an all time high. And I’ve talked about that a bit before on the blog. 

But when I say I was at my wits end, I was literally forgetting everything and felt like I was staring up a mountain with no gear to climb. 

I didn’t know what to do or where to turn and it REALLY felt like NO ONE understood me. Even myself. 

Those first few coaching sessions my brain was going a mile a minute and the sixty minute calls went so fast. I felt like I could talk for hours because FINALLY someone got it. Someone listened, got curious with me and encouraged me to dig in deeper. 

And this is not to say that I don’t have a great support system - I do. But my coach asked me questions that others in my support system didn’t know that I needed to be asked (I didn’t know I needed to be asked those questions). My coach asked me questions that helped me process and think about situations and business growth in a new light. 

I was reactively thinking and coaching helped me move into proactive thinking. I was able to get curious about what was happening in life and business and guide myself into the best scenario. 

When you hire a coach, you’re hiring someone to help guide you to step out of the muck. Someone who will ask you questions to get you thinking about things in a new light. To even shine light on places that you might not have realized needed to be lit up. 

You don’t have to stay overwhelmed, friend. Clarity, peace and joy are yours to have. I’m here to help you on that journey! I’ve got a few spots open in my calendar and I want to invite you to book a free discovery coaching call. 

Even if you’re just curious and want to know what it could be like. I want to help you step into your best summer & year yet! 

You are worthy of all the great things you’re dreaming of!

Stay connected! Sign up for my weekly newsletter!

Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!

Top Tips to Relieve Overwhelm in Small Business


My journey into coaching