Welcome to the Chaos to Clarity Blog!

You’ll find business tips, tricks & freebies as well as a peek into some of what I’ve learned over the years!

The Ups & Downs of Hosting a Masterclass
Maggie Olson Maggie Olson

The Ups & Downs of Hosting a Masterclass

If you’re feeling down in the dumps because something “didn’t work” I would encourage you to revisit what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Being a coach and have an online business is rather straight forward and simple. The work comes in showing up and showing up consistently - that is the hard part. It’s just as “easy” to show up as it is to not show up.

I’m here to help YOU grow! In fact that’s exactly what my upcoming group coaching program is ALL about. It’s time for you to step into YOUR power and grow the business you truly desire! If you want to know MORE about my group program and other ways you can work with me make sure you sign up for my upcoming masterclass on April 20 called Unlock Time Freedom!

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How to Start a Podcast in 90 minutes
Maggie Olson Maggie Olson

How to Start a Podcast in 90 minutes

It got to my turn in the round robin, I unmuted my zoom mic and said, “I’m Maggie, Your Business Bestie & Chaos to Clarity Coach and I’m starting a podcast this year!” Instead of crickets I got in influx of messages and people unmuting to ask, “oh! Yes! How can I support you? and How can I be a guest???”

This started my journey into podcasting - and here’s how I set things up in under 90 minutes!

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What is coaching REALLY like?
business coaching Maggie Olson business coaching Maggie Olson

What is coaching REALLY like?

Will things change overnight?!

Maybe. Maybe not. Things might change and be great and then you fall off the bandwagon. Then you get to talk to your coach, they help you right back up and give you the space to explore what’s going on. When you explore what’s going on and why the wheels fell off right away, chances are the next time will be a bit easier and you’ll stick with it a bit longer and a bit longer.

Changing your thought patterns is really like riding a bike or walking. No one gets it “right” the first time. But as you explore you learn what works and doesn’t work.

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Overcome Fear in Business
business coaching Maggie Olson business coaching Maggie Olson

Overcome Fear in Business

From there we worked through her thought that she’s “never going to make another dollar.” And by the end of that conversation she had come up with some new ideas to market and network for her business. We also discussed ways that she can work through those intrusive thoughts of, “I’m never going to make another dollar” and turn those thoughts into, “I make more money every day, money comes in all ways and I am open to receiving it.”

Your thoughts are so powerful.

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How to Create Business Core Values
build your business, business coaching Maggie Olson build your business, business coaching Maggie Olson

How to Create Business Core Values

The other day I told my husband I am going to make a million dollars in 2025. We were laying in bed and he said, “like over the next 3 years?!” with a little bit of disbelief in his voice. And I said, “no, in the year 2025 I’m going to make a million dollars that year.” He was quiet for a few moments and then said, “but…how???”

I rattled off a bunch of things I’ve had on my mind of where I want my coaching business to go over the next three years and said, “and in 2025 I’ll be at the million dollar mark!”

So, how did I get to this place in my business?

Read to find out!

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Top Tips to Relieve Overwhelm in Small Business
business coaching Maggie Olson business coaching Maggie Olson

Top Tips to Relieve Overwhelm in Small Business

“HELP! I feel like I’m drowning and I don’t know what to do. I have all these ideas and I can’t act on any of them because they’re all intertwined. What do I do?!?!” - me last week to a friend & mentor.

Her answer: “take some time off”

WHAT?! I’m trying to grow a business, not go on vacation. How can I stop when I need to move forward on this stuff??

I was freaking out at the thought of “not being productive” and “not getting things done.” We live in a society that praises you the busier you are. But in that freak out I was also doing the things that I was afraid of NOT doing! I wasn’t being productive nor was I getting anything done.

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