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Top Tips to Relieve Overwhelm in Small Business
business coaching Maggie Olson business coaching Maggie Olson

Top Tips to Relieve Overwhelm in Small Business

“HELP! I feel like I’m drowning and I don’t know what to do. I have all these ideas and I can’t act on any of them because they’re all intertwined. What do I do?!?!” - me last week to a friend & mentor.

Her answer: “take some time off”

WHAT?! I’m trying to grow a business, not go on vacation. How can I stop when I need to move forward on this stuff??

I was freaking out at the thought of “not being productive” and “not getting things done.” We live in a society that praises you the busier you are. But in that freak out I was also doing the things that I was afraid of NOT doing! I wasn’t being productive nor was I getting anything done.

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Don’t doubt yourself.

Don’t doubt yourself.

“You’re REALLY successful. How did you do it? What are your tips? How can I be as successful as you?”

And that question hit me like a ton of bricks and stirred up SO many thoughts. Things from, “Me?! I’m not successful.” to, “Yes! I’ve been blessed with 15+ years in businesses - has it been easy - no, worth it, YES!”

It took me a minute to process the question and give an answer. My answer was short, “I didn’t give up. I kept working even when it didn’t feel like I’d ever come out on top.”

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