Mindset vs Strategy

Someone asked me the other day, "what's more important in business? Mindset or strategy?"
I said, "well, that depends where you are with either of those things. Are you set in your ways and unwilling to change? Or are you ready & willing to get vulnerable and take a few risks?"
Mindset and strategy can go hand in hand AND they can also work against each other.

So the first step is learning where you’re at in your mindset and strategy - especially when it comes to business.

I’ve been in that place before…desperate for change, trying all the things and being nothing but frustrated at the lack of response (or even not the response you thought you’d get). In that instance my strategy was mostly there, but my mindset was not.

Most recently I realized I had the right mindset but my strategy wasn’t there. I was in a great headspace, really clear on what direction I wanted until I realized that there was a sliver of doubt in my strategy. I was playing it safe, being too broad with my message and not tapping into what I really wanted to. All because I had this voice in the back of my head saying, “yea but, what if it doesn’t work?!?!”

It’s truly fascinating how much these two play into each other. I also despise that little voice. Living rent free in my mind and ruining my best thoughts 🤣

So I took note of when that little voice showed up. I noticed how I was feeling, what I was thinking and when I was thinking it. And then I started to shift my thoughts. Here’s the thing tho - you can shift your thoughts all you want but if you don’t actually believe in what you’re telling yourself it’s all just words. There won’t be any change. When I go through my morning thought work I ask myself a series of questions and one is, “what am I looking forward to?”. These are things that I want and am working towards but don’t have quite yet. I think of this as offering myself hope and a roadmap to where I’m going. That question is often the beginning of the thought shift process for me. Tapping into that thought has allowed me to release a lot of negative energy and thoughts that I’ve been un-intentionally (and unknowingly) blocking.

Why release this energy???? Because getting rid of the old stagnant energy makes room for new fresh energy and makes room for thoughts that are going to serve you a lot better than some of the recurring thoughts you’ve been having.

Today I’m going to give you my favorite 3 ways to cultivate mindfulness & strategy!

First and foremost - having a morning mindwork process is critical! I spend about 15-20 minutes each morning with a short meditation and then answering a series of questions about how I’m feeling. Things like, “what am I thinking right now?”, “what are my accomplishments?” & “what are my wants and desires?”.

Next I take a look at my to-do list that I wrote from the night before…yes I write my to-do lists for the next day at the end of my day. Why??? because I find it helps me be so much more engaged with my work. I don’t start off the day thinking, “now, what do I have to do??” - I have the list in front of me and ready to tackle!

Last, I check in often with my strategies for the week & month. Recently I’ve been re-evaluating my strategies and re-implementing some things I used to do and implementing things that I’ve been wanting to do. I’ve been focusing much of my work on making sure my message is clear and reaching who I want it to reach.

These three things have helped me be more mindful and more strategic with all of my businesses!

These things are also part of my Mindful Method Business Coaching method.
I give you all kinds support and homework to help you cultivate your best mindset and strategy for your business! Having a clear roadmap of where I want to go and how I want to get there is a great tool. Having a the proper mindset has allowed me to create more than I ever thought possible!

Are you ready to make shifts in your life and thoughts?
Tell me below one thing that you want to make more room for in your thought process! 😘

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level make sure to send me an EMAIL today and book your FREE discovery call!
In this free call we’ll chat all about what’s going great for you, what’s not going so great and where you’d like to see improvements!

Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!





Mindful Method Business Coaching