Welcome to the Chaos to Clarity Blog!

You’ll find business tips, tricks & freebies as well as a peek into some of what I’ve learned over the years!

The Ups & Downs of Hosting a Masterclass
Maggie Olson Maggie Olson

The Ups & Downs of Hosting a Masterclass

If you’re feeling down in the dumps because something “didn’t work” I would encourage you to revisit what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Being a coach and have an online business is rather straight forward and simple. The work comes in showing up and showing up consistently - that is the hard part. It’s just as “easy” to show up as it is to not show up.

I’m here to help YOU grow! In fact that’s exactly what my upcoming group coaching program is ALL about. It’s time for you to step into YOUR power and grow the business you truly desire! If you want to know MORE about my group program and other ways you can work with me make sure you sign up for my upcoming masterclass on April 20 called Unlock Time Freedom!

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How to Start a Podcast in 90 minutes
Maggie Olson Maggie Olson

How to Start a Podcast in 90 minutes

It got to my turn in the round robin, I unmuted my zoom mic and said, “I’m Maggie, Your Business Bestie & Chaos to Clarity Coach and I’m starting a podcast this year!” Instead of crickets I got in influx of messages and people unmuting to ask, “oh! Yes! How can I support you? and How can I be a guest???”

This started my journey into podcasting - and here’s how I set things up in under 90 minutes!

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How to Maintain Consistency in Business
build your business Maggie Olson build your business Maggie Olson

How to Maintain Consistency in Business

This doesn’t mean you are scheduling every minute of every day - in fact, quite the opposite. You are scheduling your time in a way that allows for white space. For time freedom. For spaces that can be filled with more client meetings, more time to create fun things that you love to give your clients or maybe even more time for you to do something like take a nap, get a massage or hang out with a friend. Consistency in business stems from consistency in your schedule.

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