Mastering Your Time & Energy

image of white clock with black tick marks with yellow background. Text reading Mastering your time and energy

Make sure you listen to Podcast Episode #34 where I talk about this!

Listen to the Chaos to Clarity Podcast

I would even say over the last month, I've had the thought, oh my gosh, there's never enough time. And then magically, there is not enough time to do anything. I don't get anything “done”.

What happens when there's not enough time or when you think, “oh, there's never enough time!” or more specifically, “there's never enough time in my day.”

If you're a woman in business, and chances are if you're reading (or listening) to this, you're probably a coach. And maybe you have kids, right? There’s a lot of stuff going on. And the thought “There is NEVER enough time!” keeps reoccurring. This thought rolls around rent free in your brain and all of a sudden it's like magic - you don't have enough time and all the things you want to get done, don’t get done. You're continually wondering, where does the day go?

In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon to find ourselves overwhelmed by the constant demands on our time and energy. The feeling of never having enough time to get everything done can be paralyzing and frustrating. But what if there were ways to shift our mindset and strategies to regain control and achieve more?

Let’s explore three ways you can master your time and energy to shift out of the chaos and into clarity so that you have time and energy for your coaching business and your life.

(yes, these principals can apply to anyone in business!)

Shifting Your Mindset

I have a six year old and a two year old and when people look at them running on the playground they’ll say to me, “I wish I could have their energy.” You can have that kind of energy, you have to embody that kind of energy.

When you start telling yourself these things (like I don’t have enough energy) you’re going to embody that. But If you start telling yourself, “I have the energy of a six year old” - you’re going to start embodying that energy!

As you start to shift your thoughts away from, “there's never enough time” to, “I'm getting exactly what I need to get done, done.” or “I have plenty of time.”, etc. You’re creating new thought pathways - positive pathways. This helps you not feel worries or rushed.

We’ve all experienced the thought that there's never enough time. This thought often leads to decreased productivity, increased stress and a lot of work avoiding rituals (war’s). The first step in regaining control over your time and energy is to shift your mindset.

  • Understand the Energetics

    • Acknowledge that the thought "there's never enough time" can become (or maybe already has become) a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    • When this thought pops up, replace it with something like, "I have plenty of time." or “I have all the time I need.”

    • Embrace the concept that your mindset influences your reality. AKA - if you think it, it will probably happen.

  • Practical Strategies

    • Recognize where you're spending your time and identify areas that can be optimized.

    • Disrupt your habitual scrolling on social media by starting your day with content creation.

    • Understand the power of making your bed metaphorically by accomplishing a task early in the day.

Time Management Strategies

It’s well know that actions create results - so in order for all of the mindset shifts to settle, you’re going to need some effective time management strategies to accompany your goals.

What are you actually spending your time on? Are you mindlessly scrolling but secretly wishing you were posting? Are you listening to all of the podcasts, downloading the freebies and wishing your business was “working”?

If the answer to any of those questions was yes, then it’s time to take action. Create a list of daily to-dos. It doesn’t have to be extensive or exhausting. It can really be create content, engage with 3-10 ideal people and make at least one offer.

  • Identifying Priorities

    • Make a clear list of tasks and goals, both short-term and long-term.

    • Determine your most important goals and prioritize them over less important tasks.

    • Define your target audience and tailor your content and efforts to connect with them effectively.

  • Goal Setting and Tracking

    • Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your business.

    • Understand your booking rate (the percentage of leads that convert into clients) and track it.

    • Use data and analytics to refine your strategies for better results.

Simplifying Your Business

Business, in general, is really simple. Create content that attracts leads, have conversations around what you’re selling, make offers and close sales. This is where I help women shift out of chaos and into clarity. We work on making business simple and easy to approach so that the mindset gets to be something that comes naturally. And the energy of a six year old can reside in that business - you’re excited to show up, to talk to people and to sell (in a non-bro marketer type way). In short, simplifying your business processes can help you reclaim valuable time and energy.

  • Streamlining Lead Generation

    • Focus your efforts on one platform until you've mastered it before expanding.

    • Optimize your offer by conducting market research and validation to meet your ideal client's needs.

    • Develop a strategy to turn cold leads into warm leads through targeted content creation.

  • The Power of Energetic Alignment

    • Leverage your unique human design to align with your business goals and strategies.

    • Implement the "whiteboard method" or find a sales approach that resonates with your energy.

    • Learn to connect with your audience authentically while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Shift your mindset & simplify your time

The feeling of "never enough time" can be conquered by shifting your mindset, implementing effective time management strategies, and simplifying your business processes. By understanding the importance of your mindset's influence, identifying priorities, setting goals, and simplifying lead generation, you can transform chaos into clarity in your entrepreneurial journey. Remember, mastering your time and energy is key to achieving your business goals and creating the work-life balance you desire.

Now that you've gained valuable insights from this blog post, be sure to check out Episode #34 of the Chaos to Clarity podcast, where I dive even deeper into these topics and provide additional guidance to help you thrive as an entrepreneur!

If you found value in this blog post - I’d love it if you would leave a comment and/or share this with a friend!

Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!

How to Amplify Your Offer