Why mindset MATTERS

You’ve got your business all set up. You’ve crossed all the t’s and dotted the i’s.
And now you….wait. and wait. wait for someone…anyone?!?! to notice. to respond. to interact.


and by this point you’re thinking, “wait…where are all of the people?! why aren’t they coming? why is no one noticing me??? I’m doing all the things and nothing is happening.”
Everyone else is flawlessly sinking 3 pointers and you are over here with a flat basketball that won’t even dribble. WTF?!
Next cue the imposter syndrome & the “I’m not good enough” thoughts.
But here’s where I want you to PAUSE and re-evaluate.

Here’s one critical shift that I think most people NEED to think about - have you tapped into your mindset as you are preparing your copy?

Your mindset matters - if you’re in a constant struggle of “ugh, this is taking forever!” and “I have so much other STUFF to do. is this even worth it?!” - those subliminal thoughts surface and bubble up between the cracks. How do I know?? Because I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’ve done it (unknowingly) to myself.

Let me tell you a story - we’ll call it the tale of 2 yoga classes 🤣 because it involves 2 yoga classes. One that was a sold out event and one that was not. The first event I was PUMPED for. I was excited writing the copy. Excited creating the tank tops. Excited to prep what I wanted to do during class. Excited for all of the people that were signing up! It was set for Thanksgiving morning and that class sold out! I could NOT believe it! That morning we had to MOVE FURNITURE in order to fit everyone in. It was so awesome - I still get goosebumps and a full heart thinking about it. The second was shortly after, on Christmas Eve morning. I was not as excited to be teaching (we had family in town and I felt guilty not being home). I felt rushed to make another tank top for this class. I was uninspired getting the copy ready to post about and advertise with. And that class…while I wouldn’t call it a failure by any means - it was not as successful as the previous class on Thanksgiving.

After both of those classes were over I took some time to process all of the moving pieces of what went into the execution of that class. Like with any launch in a business there are a lot of pieces that go into the creation of one thing. And everything I had done from the first, I did with the second. Yet the second was, by most people’s standards, a flop. The first had 100%+ capacity and the second was 40% (and that’s being generous). After talking with my coach and being rather frustrated with this “flop” she said to me something I’ll never forget, “what were you thinking when you posted and spoke about the second class?

Honestly it stopped me dead in my tracks. What was I thinking when I posted?!?!? I was thinking I need to put this second class on because its just what needs to happen. But deep down I KNEW I needed a break. I KNEW that I was exhausted. I KNEW that the studio would be ok if I didn’t do this second holiday class but I did it anyway because I felt obligated to.

Looking back, I probably should not have had the second class. But, hindsight is 20/20. What that taught me is that before I go into a business situation I need to have my mind in the right place. That starts with the creation of all my ideas (and trust me, there’s a whole notebook FULL of ideas 🥰). Even before I start writing here on the blog or newsletter I take a few moments to close my eyes and imagine what and who I want these messages to go out to.

If I’m feeling like I’m in a state of “ugh, I have to do this.” I make sure to remind myself that I get to do this. I get to create, inspire and connect with business owners and help them shift out of the yuck that I’ve been in. And that is something I feel truly lucky and blessed to be able to do.

The best part about working on your mindset is that you can start right now! Start in small & obvious ways - like when you open your eyes in the morning. Take a moment to smile and recognize that you are here for another day. If things aren’t “going your way” pause and evaluate what your thoughts are. Write them down for your brain to see. And then give your brain reasons why those thoughts are wrong. Our brains WANT us to be in that state of confusion and doubt. It’s easier to stay small and not push boundaries forward! But when you shift your mindset from staying small to the joy of “this will be amazing!”, well let me just tell you from first hand experience - SO much starts to open up!

Remember you’ve done the work and you’ll have to keep doing the work to build your business. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It takes time to create momentum. Your belief in your momentum is how you get the ball rolling. Believe in it. Give your mind reasons to believe. Use a coach to help you work through the old habitual thoughts that keep you from really reaching for whatever your goals are.

If you’re ready to push past your current mindset and shift your business make sure you click the button below and book a FREE discovery session with me!
My signature method (the Mindful Method) is proven to help you shift out of yuck and into YES!

Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!



Mindful for Life


Comparison is the thief of joy and how to tame it.