Welcome to the Chaos to Clarity Blog!

You’ll find business tips, tricks & freebies as well as a peek into some of what I’ve learned over the years!

The Ups & Downs of Hosting a Masterclass
Maggie Olson Maggie Olson

The Ups & Downs of Hosting a Masterclass

If you’re feeling down in the dumps because something “didn’t work” I would encourage you to revisit what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Being a coach and have an online business is rather straight forward and simple. The work comes in showing up and showing up consistently - that is the hard part. It’s just as “easy” to show up as it is to not show up.

I’m here to help YOU grow! In fact that’s exactly what my upcoming group coaching program is ALL about. It’s time for you to step into YOUR power and grow the business you truly desire! If you want to know MORE about my group program and other ways you can work with me make sure you sign up for my upcoming masterclass on April 20 called Unlock Time Freedom!

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Is Entrepreneurship Lonely?
business Maggie Olson business Maggie Olson

Is Entrepreneurship Lonely?

Over the next few years I started learning more about the art of networking and how important it can be for a business owner. And important in more than just being able to pass leads/referrals. Important in the way that you can be around people who are in the same boat as you. And essentially the “water cooler” or “coffee pot” conversations that happened at work now happened at networking meetings and galas and events. Being able to connect with others to say, “I’m having these issues.” and hear, “oh, me too! I thought I was the only one!” was a relief. Having someone to talk to about business is so good for any entrepreneur.

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How to Create Business Core Values
build your business, business coaching Maggie Olson build your business, business coaching Maggie Olson

How to Create Business Core Values

The other day I told my husband I am going to make a million dollars in 2025. We were laying in bed and he said, “like over the next 3 years?!” with a little bit of disbelief in his voice. And I said, “no, in the year 2025 I’m going to make a million dollars that year.” He was quiet for a few moments and then said, “but…how???”

I rattled off a bunch of things I’ve had on my mind of where I want my coaching business to go over the next three years and said, “and in 2025 I’ll be at the million dollar mark!”

So, how did I get to this place in my business?

Read to find out!

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Making the leap into business

Making the leap into business

So…you did a thing and started a business. Kind of. Mostly, anyway. You started telling your friends and family that you are going to do this really amazing thing. You’re really good at it and it’s time to start making some $$ doing it. You chose a name, you’ve got the social media thing going, maybe even invested in an LLC and a website and you’ve got all of your gear. You chose the colors for your brand and you’ve been checking the boxes but still something is…missing. Something just doesn’t feel totally right.

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Don’t doubt yourself.

Don’t doubt yourself.

“You’re REALLY successful. How did you do it? What are your tips? How can I be as successful as you?”

And that question hit me like a ton of bricks and stirred up SO many thoughts. Things from, “Me?! I’m not successful.” to, “Yes! I’ve been blessed with 15+ years in businesses - has it been easy - no, worth it, YES!”

It took me a minute to process the question and give an answer. My answer was short, “I didn’t give up. I kept working even when it didn’t feel like I’d ever come out on top.”

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Action Clarity
business coaching, chaos to clarity Maggie Olson business coaching, chaos to clarity Maggie Olson

Action Clarity

I needed to support and nurture those who were already coming to class. Nurturing those people would foster the growth of the studio. Those people were my foundation and wanted to do whatever they could to help me but I wasn’t letting that happen. I was standing in the way. Something that can happen quite easily to business owners. We see things the way we want and don’t always stop to try and see things from another vantage point. Honestly this is something that a lot of my clients get stuck in as well. 

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Clarity Creation
business coaching, chaos to clarity Maggie Olson business coaching, chaos to clarity Maggie Olson

Clarity Creation

Let me take you back to 2013 when I took my first yoga teacher training. We did an exercise called the passion & core values exercise. It was life changing for me. I realized that I could have my cake and eat it too. That there was a way for me to do all the things I wanted to do, not get burnt out and still have down time. It’s taken me a while but I’ve finally come to terms with what I NEED to do and what I WANT to do as far as my businesses go. I know I don’t NEED to do everything and that it’s ok to WANT to only do a select few things.

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