How to Amplify Your Offer

image of a workspace with a small plant, light and clock. text reading 3 tips to amplify your offer.

"If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life." 

Yes and no 🤣 

Yes because it won't feel like work and no because all you'll do is work. 

If you want to do "less work" and have more time freedom - you need to have an offer that converts AND that you love. Something that I see in many industries (especially in coaching) are people selling things and then complaining that they aren't converting...

Which honestly gives the coaching industry (and many other industries) a bad wrap -

"It's too saturated!"

"I'll never stand out in the crowd!"

"No one is connecting with me!"

When I connect with women for free offer audits we walk through where they are at right now and look at the data. What is working, what isn't and leave the emotions at the door. Ok, but why look at the data?! Because that’s what business is: data. Looking at the data and leaving the emotions at the door can help you see where things are going awry. It can help shed light on the little things that can be shifted to allow for maximum effect. Plus it can be challenging to do this analysis yourself and that's why doing an offer audit with someone other than yourself or someone in your immediate sphere is SO important! Having another set of eyes on your offer allows you a new perspective. A new set of eyes can also see things that you might have overlooked.

Back to the point - you NEED to LOVE your offer. 


When you love your offer it won't feel like "work" to sell it, to invite people into the party with you. It'll be this amazing opportunity that you can't wait to welcome people into! You’ll WANT to talk about it. You’ll WANT to engage. And the content will come pouring out.

Will there be work involved - yes, you still have to show up, connect, sell and serve. But the energy is unmatched when you love that offer!

Here's a bit of hope for you - just because it is "work" doesn't mean you won't enjoy it. I've been an entrepreneur for 16 years and I learn more and more each day is that when you are excited for your offers (in ANY industry) you are excited to show up and get clients. And it's SO easy to sell when you can' wait to connect! 

Right now I'm working with a lot of women in the coaching industry and if you feel like your well has run dry or you're wondering where in the world all these clients are that all the big wigs talk about - check in with your energetics

Wait, what?! What does energetics have to do with your offer? EVERYTHING. Like I said above - if you’re not excited about it, you won’t want to sell it. You will hide it and just hope that random person comes knocking on IG.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • How do you feel about your offer? 

  • Does it light you up? 

  • Are you thrilled to post about it? 

  • Are you talking to anyone and everyone you know about it?! 

If you're not, let's change that. I'm here to help you shift your offer so that you are so in love with what you're doing that you just can't stop talking about it 🥰

So what can you do RIGHT now to amplify your offer?

1) Make sure it’s simple and easy to understand. When it is simple people are more apt to understand what you’re doing.

2) Define your audience. This one gets a lot of people. Niching down can feel scary, but I promise the riches are in the niches! Don’t forget that 3% of every market niche is ready to buy!

3) Just like being simple - specifying your outcome allows your buyer to know what they are getting. They will know the problem you are solving and what the outcome will be!

4) Schedule a free offer audit with me! 🥰

I am offering FREE Offer Audits right now! This is an amazing opportunity to connect with me, get my expert advice and reignite your LOVE for your OFFER (and get some sales too!)

Click the button below to schedule YOUR FREE Offer Audit! 

Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!

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