Day 1

“What is it like to open up a business?!”

If you’re a business owner - do you remember what your day 1 was like? Or even more so, the days leading up to day 1?
Those days of preparation, determination and, most likely, sleepless nights?

I took myself on a trip down memory lane not long ago to when I started my photography business - ML Photography and Design.
And what did I remember most? EXCITEMENT.
Also, fear of the unknown. But mostly excited to know that I was doing something that I loved and I would be able to be of service to others. It absolutely fills me up to know that I am able to help other succeed! And taking a trip down memory lane was just what I needed to help catapult me head first into this new adventure.

Most of my business experience is acts of service - babysitting, photography, yoga and now coaching…there was a short time in college when I studied to be a teacher. But in 2006 I studied abroad in Spain for a semester, while there I took so many photos. I remember the exact photo I took where I knew I was going to be a photographer. We were at the spring carnival and I happened to snap a photo of 3 ladies dressed up and chatting & laughing with each other. Such a fun candid moment. To this day, it’s my favorite photo. I came home from Spain CHARGED UP and ready to go as a photographer! I took anyone and everyone’s photo that I could! Eventually I started charging to take photos, made enough money that I could fund a start up for myself - I opened a business and by March 2009 I was official! In December of 2014 I resigned from my corporate job and made entrepreneurship my full time gig.

Now, there’s absolutely been ups and downs, rights and lefts, and everything in between. You could ask every business owner and they would tell you this.

Day one mentality

But why am I bringing it up now? What does it matter?

I bring it up because I find some of my hardest days are the days where I forget the excitement of Day 1. Where I forget the work that went on with that Day 1 mentality. Sometimes going back to the basics of Day 1 is exactly what can propel you forward. Getting and staying in that mindset can allow you to be curious to explore things that scare you. Explore things to help you take the leap of faith you need to level up. By practicing tasks that make you amazing (or put you into that Day 1 excitement) you can propel your business forward in ways you never imagined.

A quote that comes to mind when I think about this is “Fear is excitement without breath, so instead of being in fear - take a breath!”

I stay in that place of learning and wonder often and I do so in order to help YOU. My goal is to help you tap into that Day 1 excitement to propel you forward with your endeavors.

I’m always available for a FREE discovery session! Send me a message & we’ll chat!

xo, Maggie

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Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!

What will coaching do for ME?


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