
Hello! I’m Maggie!

Hi, Hello, How are you?! It’s been a minute so I wanted to reintroduce myself!

Welcome to Maggie Lynn Creative! I am Maggie, a business coach for busy mom entrepreneurs. I help you work smarter, not harder and help you grow your business! 

I’m a mom, wife, friend, photographer, yogi, business coach and lover of coffee & chocolate. Sometimes I swear and sometimes I quote Rumi or the Bible. I love essential oils & crystals/stones. We try to have a low-tox life but also cartoons and goldfish crackers are sometimes a necessity - because #balance. ;) 

A bit about me: 

I’ve owned a business of some sort since I was 12. It started out as a lucrative babysitting business that funded my horse obsession, then slowed as I went to college but reignited when I spent a semester living and studying in Spain. While I was in Spain I took thousands of photos and discovered that I loved photography more than I thought I did. Photography was something I’d dabbled in during high school but never thought it could “go” anywhere. Why? Because I wasn’t going to school for that, so how could I become a photographer?!

The challenge of “how could I become a photographer without an art degree” really challenged me to step outside my comfort zone and just try. 

Lucky for me all this online stuff was just starting to blossom (blogs, social media, etc) and along with everyone else I was just learning as I went. So you could say I grew up as the internet age grew up. Yes, I remember when my college got facebook. Yes, I had a top 9 on my MySpace. And yes, I had AIM. 

Anyway - more importantly I knew without a shadow of a doubt that when I came home from Spain I was destined to become a photographer. I started taking photos of anything and everything. I took one photography class in college my senior year (which was amazing and also fueled my love of black and white photography) - that professor was really so much fun. He gave all of us in that class the coaching we needed to help us know we could do anything. I graduated college and opened my photography business a year and a half later. 

You might be wondering how I ended up as a business coach?!?!?! 

I’ve always been a glass half full kind of person and it’s very much in my nature to encourage others around me to strive for their best. So in 2012 when I walked into my first yoga class as a broken down single woman not knowing where I wanted to go in life I found my second calling. Learning to understand my body and my mind allowed me to tap into a whole new realm of business. It was like I unlocked a portal to leveling up in my life. And if you’re wondering if you can do yoga - the answer is YES, yes you can. 

Yoga helped me go from glass half full with a chaser of “wtf is life!?” to wow - I have SO much potential to help others! But don’t worry, I still have regular WTF?! moments 🤣 they just aren’t as catastrophic anymore.

Photo of Ogo Ogo during 2018 Nyepi Eve Celebration in Bali, Indonesia

Nyepi Eve Celebration Parade in Ubud, Bali

Through a series of fortunate events I found myself traveling to Bali, Indonesia as the photographer for a yoga retreat that focused on life coaching. This is where coaching comes in. I was able to sit in on all of the training modules for that trip and learn right alongside everyone else. 

I also want to say that I was skeptical AF when I first learned about coaching. So if you’re here and you’re saying “Who needs a coach?!?! Aren’t coaches for athletes???” 👀 keep reading -

Boy was I wrong! Fast forward to the end of 2014 I was the owner and head teacher of that same yoga studio that I walked into in 2012 (yes I still was actively pursuing my photography business). And by 2019 I knew I needed some help figuring out how to level up my yoga studio. 

Here is where coaching comes back full circle for me. 

I posted in a facebook group something about, “help! I want to grow my yoga studio but idk how. I’ve tried everything and I’m at my wits end.” As luck would have it someone answered me and asked me some of those same weirdo questions that were being asked in 2013 at that Bali yoga retreat. 

I agreed to connect and chat with this coach and FINALLY see what this coaching stuff was all about. How could it help me?! Why should I invest in myself (lol at this because I preached investing in yourself and your health as a yoga teacher!)!? And, most importantly, how is this going to grow my business????? Where’s the ROI in this????

After that first call, although I was still skeptical, I knew I needed to invest in coaching. Like a deep down knowledge that this would take me to the next level at the yoga studio. And it did! In less than 2 months I had doubled the amount of people walking through the studio doors, increased my revenue two fold AND I was showing up more but “working” less. 

So I turned from skeptic to believer in less than 2 months and haven’t looked back since. I also realized during those first few months of coaching that I was coaching friends and family that owned businesses. Remember when I said I’ve always been a mostly glass half full kind of person?! Having my own coaching helped me realize yet another potential of mine. I have the mentality that allows me to help others see their potential as well, bringing a bit of calm to the storm of thoughts and helping others make changes and shifts without it being a big deal. 

The only constant thing in life is: change.

I love that my experiences in life have led me to this point. And more importantly, I’m SO excited to meet you, connect with you, encourage you and maybe even coach you! 

I’d LOVE nothing more than to connect with you - whether that’s in the comments on this blog, social media or in a coaching session! 

Tell me - what’s something that has helped you form your business experience?? 

And make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter below!

Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!



Clarity Creation


Mindset vs Strategy