How to run a successful business

Let’s talk about running a successful business.

and some common questions that go along with it

square image with text reading, "it took me a long time to accept that I am successful". Colors of text are dark blue and burnt yellow.

Let me just say that it took me a LONG time to accept that I am successful. Yes, you read that right…I didn’t think I was successful for quite some time. I downplayed my success because I didn’t want others to think I had a big head. And that kept me small in my businesses. It kept me from growing and receiving the gifts that the universe (God, divine, whatever your fancy is) had to offer me. I’ve always had very high expectations of myself, which isn’t a bad thing. Having those high expectations forced me to dig deeper and reach higher. But, those high expectations that I set so high were ones that I would never feasibly reach. And because I wasn’t reaching those expectations I deemed myself unsuccessful. Instead of seeing the gifts that I had and the things I was doing, I kept telling myself that I wasn’t enough. It’s a hard pill to swallow when you’re constantly in your feelings telling yourself you’re not good enough. 

I’m not saying lower your standards but…lower your standards. When I brought my bar down a notch or two and made my goals realistic, that allowed me to REACH and CRUSH those goals. It also taught me how to love myself and nurture myself in a way that helped me grow as a person and entrepreneur. The “losses” turned into learning points that led to wins. I became more confident and sure of myself and my crafts. Photography became easier - I was (and still am) booking clients and putting people on waiting lists. Yoga became easier - teaching classes and running the studio felt less daunting and classes filled with ease. 

I suppose I didn’t have to lower my expectations -

I had to evaluate the road I was taking to get there

If you’re feeling stuck - whether that’s in starting your business, growing your current business or wondering if you should take on an existing business here are some things to contemplate:

Evaluate where you are, where you want to be and how you’re going to get there. 

5 tips for a successful business - evaluate where you are, where do you want to go, what's the end goal, what steps need to be taken to get to the end goal?, what's the first step to take? - square image with white text in blue boxes. small elephant

I will never stop saying it, business coaching helped me understand where I was, where I wanted to be and how I was going to get there. Coaching STILL does that for me! Yes, I still have a coach!!! Do NBA or NFL players ever not have a coach??? Nope. There’s always a coach that helps guide the team and the individuals! Which is one of the reasons why I feel like it's so important to have a coach to help support you. 

When I started business coaching for myself I evaluated where I was, where I wanted to be and how I was going to get there. That conversation showed me just how hard I had worked and was continuing to work. I just had to adjust my lens of how I viewed that. Sometimes we just need a little help adjusting our vision to help us see clearly - it’s like going to the eye doctor. That first time when you can see the letters on that board are like magic. When I shifted my focus to see how hard I was working I also saw how wildly successful I was. 

In the midst of change a couple of years ago I asked myself - 

How can I get paid to do something I’m passionate about?

How can I (continue to) feel confident about starting a business?

What work do I love to do?

I often ask these questions of my clients as well. I think the answers will surprise you. I know the answers have often surprised me when I think about and answer these questions. 

How can this help you feel successful? I think the answer to that really lies within you. When you shift your focus away from, “this isn’t working” to, “this IS working” things become so much easier. You can operate from a place of ease and peace instead of fight and anger. Will there be times that things won’t always be “easy”. Yes, absolutely. But, the ease in that place of uneasiness comes when you can move through hard things, keep a level head and come out on top. 

The best part is - YOU get to decide what that top looks like! You get to choose what success looks like for you. It literally does not matter what anyone else thinks about your situation - if you think you’re a winner, then, you’re a winner! Don’t let anyone dim that fire. If things feel hard - evaluate - Why are they feeling difficult? What would make things “easier”? How can you start that shift into ease?

I’m curious - tell me your answers below in the comments!! Or send me an email! 

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Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!

Keep It Simple, Silly


Don’t doubt yourself.