Making the leap into business

So…you did a thing and started a business. Kind of. Mostly, anyway. You started telling your friends and family that you are going to do this really amazing thing. You’re really good at it and it’s time to start making some $$ doing it. You chose a name, you’ve got the social media thing going, maybe even invested in an LLC and a website and you’ve got all of your gear. You chose the colors for your brand and you’ve been checking the boxes but still something is…missing. Something just doesn’t feel totally right. 

Or maybe you’ve got all these ideas squirreled away in a notebook or note on your phone. Things you’ve been planning and getting into place because someday, you’re gonna be ready. Someday you’re going to be able to get the clients you so desperately want. To do the thing you’ve been dreaming of doing.

And then it happens. You take those steps, you get the traction and then - the doubt comes creeping in. Those times when you’re doing all the things that the pins on pinterest tell you to do and you’re seeing crickets. And you start sweating a little wondering…Did I make the right choice? Is this REALLY right for me?! There’s so many other people doing what I’m doing….am I going to make a difference????? DOES MY VOICE EVEN MATTER?!?!?!

Let me just stop you right there - plant your feet on the ground and take a big breath in and out.

YES your voice matters. YES start your business. YES you will have clients.

So how do you learn to take yourself seriously in your business?

How do you make it feel like you’re not just playing around?

Like you’re an ACTUAL entrepreneur.


5 tips for making your side hustle your main hustle:

photo with mac laptop, notebook that says focus on the good, a pair of reading glasses, a pen and text saying 5 tips for making your side hustle your main hustle

1 - Invest in your business with a business coach

This is hands down the BEST way to up the ante in your business. What does a coach do?? They help keep you accountable, give you an ear to listen to all your crazy ideas and SO much more. And I don’t just say invest in a business coach because I am a business coach. I know first hand how crucial a coach was for my businesses. I saw SO MUCH GROWTH in a 3 month span from investing in myself & my business. Plus I was able to make more time in my day to spend with my kids!


2 - Keep It Simple & Significant 

Simple & significant in business will make things flow so much easier - for you AND your clients! When I owned the yoga studio I had SO many options for class passes - it was decision overload! Most people didn’t know what to choose and they couldn’t do fast math to see which was the better deal. When I took my class pass options down to 3 offerings (single, 5 class & unlimited) it was like a sigh of relief! If you were coming more than 5 times a month then the unlimited was the best deal.  

In my photo business I used to have 3-4 options for wedding day photography. SO MANY CHOICES. And while I knew I wanted to have “options” for those that might not be able to afford my most expensive option, again it became decision paralysis. When I took those options down to 2 and now just 1, there’s no guessing game. 

3 - Stay Relevant 

Now as much as I love all things creative and I could literally spend 4 hours designing IG posts, it’s not relevant to what I’m doing. I offer coaching - playing in canva and photoshop does my clients no good! As you’re going through your daily tasks ask yourself, “is this task relevant? If not, how can I shift it or pass it off or find improvements for it?”

4 - Consistency is Key

Are you consistent in your message? This is one that I have to remind myself of often! How can I stay consistent in my messaging so that my ideal clients don’t get confused with what I’m offering! This one gets me sometimes because I LOVE to create, dream and make new things in my business and sometimes knowing I need consistency can feel like I’m being boxed in. BUT here’s where it can get fun for all of us creatives - how many ways can you creatively speak about your craft? 

5 - Plan, plan, plan

I know, I know. Creative entrepreneurs all simultaneously just shuddered at the thought of a plan. But hear me out - having a plan doesn’t mean everything is meticulously placed (it certainly CAN but don’t get caught in the planning trap - a post for another day!). Having a plan can mean a general outline of what needs to happen in order to move your business in the direction you desire. For me in my photo business my “plan” is simple: book 1-3 sessions per month (newborn or family) and post on my social media every week. For my coaching business it’s a bit more, but my coaching business has a lot more involved. 


The more you practice these things the easier they all get. And, an added bonus - you’ll get some time back in your day and week. Time is your most valuable asset - don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  

If you’re reading this and wondering how to start implementing some of these things send me an email or reply in the comments! I help mom entrepreneurs clean up the chaos.

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Maggie Olson

Business Coach, Photographer & Yoga Teacher

I help business owners build their business with a yoga mindset!

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